Why You Should Buy Your Meat From Local Independent Farmers w. Bryce Pomponio - Embodied Wellness Co. | Episode 23
Feb 01, 2022EPISODE 23 – Why You Should Buy Your Meat From Local Independent Farmers with Bryce Pomponio| By Embodied Wellness Co.
On this weeks episode Sarah and Denon sit down to talk about small & local meat farming with Bryce Pomponio, the owner and founder of P&H Ranch, a local BC sustainable farm-to-table ranch. In this episode we talk about everything from how small farmers are different from the large conventional operations, common myth-busting, the quality difference, why we need to support sustainable farming practices, , why grass fed is better, organic status farms, chemical fertilizers, the life of a cow, environmental factors & more!
Podcast Links:
Connect with P&H Ranch and Bryce
- P&H Ranch Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p.h.ranch/
- Bryce: https://www.instagram.com/tug.n.farm/
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